Promise VTrak M500f

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Getting Started

Thanks to Mathis Schmieder for the fsck.cramfs tip!

Analyzing the Firmware file

binwalk -v iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img
Scan Time:    Aug 03, 2011 @ 20:13:21
Magic File:   /etc/binwalk/magic.binwalk
Signatures:   67
Target File:  iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img
MD5 Checksum: b8dad677c907a53ca9b222f2103c13b3

DECIMAL         HEX             DESCRIPTION
18204           0x471C          gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Thu Apr 20 05:12:30 2006, max compression
871968          0xD4E20         Linux Compressed ROM filesystem data, little endian size 2584576 version #2 sorted_dirs           CRC 0xeeb623f0, edition 0, 1217 blocks,            7 files
3456544         0x34BE20        Linux Compressed ROM filesystem data, little endian size 3231744 version #2 sorted_dirs           CRC 0xf1e0771a, edition 0, 2870 blocks,            946 files
3528967         0x35D907        bzip2 compressed data
6688288         0x660E20        gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar  3 03:51:40 2011, max compression
11309493        0xAC91B5        Linux Compressed ROM filesystem data, little endian size 1277952 version #2 sorted_dirs           CRC 0x477edaab, edition 0, 802 blocks,            142 files
12882033        0xC49071        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 335544320 bytes, uncompressed size: 30 bytes
13215338        0xC9A66A        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x85, dictionary size: 740294656 bytes, uncompressed size: 16388 bytes
13216042        0xC9A92A        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x86, dictionary size: 745537536 bytes, uncompressed size: 16388 bytes
13216734        0xC9ABDE        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x89, dictionary size: 747110400 bytes, uncompressed size: 16388 bytes
13219257        0xC9B5B9        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 335544320 bytes, uncompressed size: 30 bytes
13220658        0xC9BB32        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x95, dictionary size: 272629760 bytes, uncompressed size: 16387 bytes
13221334        0xC9BDD6        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x90, dictionary size: 65536 bytes, uncompressed size: 65536 bytes
13221354        0xC9BDEA        LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x90, dictionary size: 65536 bytes, uncompressed size: 65536 bytes

Extracting the Firmware parts

Part 1

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=18204 count=853764 of=part1.gz
gunzip part1.gz
file part1
part1: data

Part 2

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=871968 count=2584576 of=part2.cramfs
mkdir part2
mount -o loop parts2.cramfs part2/
ls -l part2/
total 4858
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   18204 Jan  1  1970 iodrv.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  233655 Jan  1  1970 Marvell.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  470713 Jan  1  1970 qla4xxx.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3193368 Jan  1  1970 raid_core.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  436560 Jan  1  1970 scsi.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  619697 Jan  1  1970 xfc.o

Part 3

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=3456544 count=72423 of=part3.cramfs
mount -o loop part3.cramfs part3/
ls -lR part3/

Full contents of Part 3

fsck.cramfs part3.cramfs
fsck.cramfs: file length too short

Part 4

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=3528967 count=3159321 of=part4.bz2
bunzip2 part4.bz2
bunzip2: part4.bz2 is not a bzip2 file.

Part 5

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=6688288 count=4621205 of=part5.gz
gunzip part5.gz
file part5
part5: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data, UUID=1e4f9d2b-b406-4a38-bbf8-8f1fcf52e5c7
mv part5 part5.ext2
mkdir part5
mount -o loop part5.ext2 part5/
ls -lR part5/

Full contents of Part 5

Part 6

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=11309493 count=1572540 of=part6.cramfs
mkdir part6/
mount -o loop part6.cramfs part6/
ls -lR part6/

Full contents of Part 6

Fixing Part 3

Part 3 is a broken CramFS, and Part 4 is a bzip2 file that is not a bzip2 file... smells fishy. Let's say Part 3 is actually Part 3.1 and Part 4 is Part 3.2:

dd if=iv2p_all_20110303_16mb.img bs=1 skip=3456544 count=3231744 of=part3.cramfs
fsck.cramfs -v part3.cramfs
cramfs endianness is little
part3.cramfs: OK


Oh, exploitable!

So here's the root of all problems: in line 23 and 24 of part3/php/promise/language.php, which is included in the code that's executed when you access the device's WebPAM ProE webinterface, PHP is told to get the language of the user's browser from a header that the browser sends on each request.

No problem there, your browser provides this header, so you probably won't ever see any error from this code.

But if you're using a monitoring tool like Nagios, to check if the webinterface is still alive, your Nagios check doesn't send that header and PHP will throw an error of the level E_NOTICE.

php -a
Interactive mode enabled

preg_match('/^([a-z\-]+)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $matches);
      case 'en':
      // [...]
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE in - on line 2
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in - on line 3

Of course, being the good developer that you are, you hide those errors, should they ever arise at all, from the user - and only write them to a logfile somewhere on your device's internal flash.

Being a bit unsure yourself of how good of a developer you really are, you tell PHP in its config file /islavista/conf/php.ini to not only log real errors of the levels E_WARNING or E_ERROR, or like the healthy default recommends, "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" (everything except E_NOTICE)... no, you want them all, so you can write impeccable code!

Have you ever wondered why it's called "default" setting? The De-Fault setting? Also known as the "Please don't break anything!" setting? You'll find out soon.

So, your Nagios checks the webserver every 5 minutes, every hour of the day, every day of the week, etc., and every time there are a couple of lines appended to the logfile, because you want to be in control an see each and any issue in you code.

Now what would you think will happen if that logfile gets so big that there is no space left on that flash?

I can tell you what will happen:


When i told Promise about the issue, one of their support engineers had only this to say, :

"I just can repeat [to] you one more time, you should not even know the word 'islavista' related to this device."

(Speaking of which, i'm still unsure if i should publish the whole conversation via their ticketing system, that will be pretty embarassing for them... they tried to convince me that my hardware is faulty and needs to be replaced. Yeah, right.)

What leaves me a bit puzzled is the fact that you deliberately enable the logging of all errors, but don't fix them when they show up?! Why bother at all?

Privilege Escalation POC

Run this for some hours or even days, not sure yet how long it actually takes:

while [ true ]; do wget -O /dev/null ""; done

Check the webinterface from time to time, when you see an PHP error that it couldn't write it's session because /tmp is full, you're golden! Fire up you serial console and enjoy.

Remote Privilege Escalation POC

Still unconfirmed, but in theory this should also work over Telnet instead of the serial console, provided that Telnet is enabled on the device.


  • Privilege Escalation is already nice, how about Remote Privilege Escalation? Confirm that this also works when using Telnet, not only serial console!
  • Where's that php.ini hidden in the firmware? Can't be found in any of the firmware parts, yet - maybe generated at runtime? Hmm, hmm, hmm.