Remote Logstalgia
From fakedWiki
How to combine the logs of two hosts running Varnish, and visualize them on a remote workstation with Logstalgia?
Send the output of two or more hosts to netcat listening on one of the hosts, which combines the input and listens for a connection from the workstation.
Listen on port 31337 for incoming logs, relay to port 1337, allow multiple clients (and disconnects without exiting)
host1$ nc -l -k 31337 | nc -l -k 1337
Send Varnish log from host1 to relay on host1
host1$ varnishncsa | nc localhost 31337
Send Varnish log from host2 to relay on host1
host2$ varnishncsa | nc host2 31337
Send Varnish log from hostN to relay on host1
hostN$ varnishncsa | nc host1 31337
Run Logstalgia on workstation, with output from relay
C:\> nc host1 1337 | logstalgia.exe --sync